For an official copy, please see the Commission Newsroom page or contact the Commission directly via the Chief Clerk's office at (919) 733-7328. There may be some delay between the issuance of an Order adopting or revising a rule and its posting here. The Order will be posted initially to the Rule Revisions page.
**To Bookmark this page, use: http://3270.its.state.nc.us **
** **HOD was upgraded to V14.0.1 on January 19, 2020.
** **Click this link to go to the IBM Java Download page.
TN3270 Cached TLS Display -- This HOD cached client stores HOD software to your workstation. The initial transfer is slow, but subsequent access is faster than the TN3270 TLS Display option.
TN3270 TLS Display -- This HOD download client will not store HOD software to your workstation except for session preferences. Not recommended for a slow internet connection, because it is completely downloaded every time it is used.
Host-Directed Print Session Options -- This option requires a TN3270E terminal session and a TN3270E printer session. The HOD printer session emulates an IBM 3287-1 printer which allows only text-mode printing. You can print from a host application to a printer connected to your workstation or a network printer. For more info, see FAQ.
TN3270E Cached Host-Directed Print -- This HOD cached client stores HOD software to your workstation. The initial transfer is slow, but subsequent access is faster than the HOD download client. Recommended for a slow internet connection.
HOD Web Start Client The HOD Java Web Start client allows users to start a HOD session without a browser window being open. An icon (JWSHODN) is created automatically on the Windows desktop for starting the HOD Web Start Client. Do not rename the JWSHODN icon, as the renamed icon will no longer work if the HOD software is updated. This client will perform all functions of the previously described HOD clients and caches the HOD software to your workstation. For more info, see FAQ .
Business Recovery Hotsite(BRS) The links below are used only for BRS testing.
BRS TN3270 Cached Display
BRS TN3270 Display
If you have ever tried to build anything, you know that it is next to impossible without using the right tools. When you are using a computer, it is no different--you need the right program for the file you are using. When you try to work on a file but do not use the specified program, functionality, and often times usability, is sacrificed.
But what happens you do not have the right program on your computer, but we here at NC State do? Well, simply put, you connect to our servers here Remote Access. When you remotely access a computer, you are inputting data into a computer other than the one you are physically sitting at. The other computer may be a friend's computer five feet away, or it may be an NC State server computer miles away.
BEING DECOMMISSONED AS OF May 1st, 2007 -- http://sysnews.ncsu.edu/news/45f97e6b
Computing Services supports a free dialup service to the NC State network, but because the demand for this service has increased beyond the capacities of the university's resources, phone lines are often busy and callers may have to wait a long time to gain phone access to the system. To use the NC State Dialup Service, first make sure your computer has a modem, then create a dialup connection to 515-6320. When your computer connects with the campus dialup servers, you will be prompted to login to the system with your Unity/Eos userid and password.
Go with all the defaults -- should work.
The process by which you connect to the school's server is different depending upon your operating system. The basic steps are listed below, but a more complete guide can be obtained via the Remote Access web page. The following is a list of servers that ECE and CPE majors have access to in order to run crucial applications from home computers.
grendel.ece.ncsu.edu is a farm of multiple Red Hat Linux servers. (sample load below)
Alternatively, you can connect via SSH to remote.eos.ncsu.edu.
Connecting from a Solaris or Linux box is not a very complicated procedure. You should first ensure that you have SSH installed on your computer by typing ssh into a terminal. If you get an error telling you file or command not found, refer to your user documentation on how to install SSH. To connect to the remote access servers here run the SSH command in your terminal. For instance, to connect to grendel.ece.ncsu.edu, in your terminal window simply type:
If you are having problems running programs which require an XFree86 server, try connecting using the '-X' flag along with the SSH command.
Due to major design differences in operating systems, Windows users do not have native support for the technologies used to remotely access these servers. Programs like WinSCP, PuTTY, F-Secure, WolfCall, OpenAFS, and X-Win32 are required for usage of the servers. These programs can be found at the Remote Access for Windows web page. Follow the instructions for each package. Please be sure that your machine is fully patched and has current AntiVirus software installed before connecting to NC State servers.
ITD has recently updated the ftp servers on campus to be more secure, to prevent passwords from being stolen. In doing this, we moved from the old ftp protocol to the much more secure sftp protocol. Making the shift is fairly easy for most users as all you need to do is set your current software to use sftp (if it is able to do so) or change your preferred software to one that can do sftp. I've included some information below that mentions a few sftp clients that can easily do this for you. And of coruse, if you have any collegues who are seeing the same trouble feel free to let them know about the changes as well. As announced on sysnews at: http://sysnews.ncsu.edu/news/458c0b0f
This is a reminder that unencrypted authenticated FTP services will be discontinued effective 04Jan2007 at 3:00 pm. This service change will affect clients who login to ftp.ncsu.edu with their Unity username/password, using an unencrypted FTP client.
After this change, if you wish to make use of authenticated FTP services, you will need to connect via SFTP (secure FTP). There are SFTP clients available for all major operating systems at this point, and most applications like Dreamweaver support SFTP as well. Commonly used SFTP clients include WinSCP (for Windows) and Fugu for Mac. You can obtain a copy of either from the links below.
Dreamweaver 8 users simply need to select 'Use Secure FTP' as follows..Within 'Manage Sites..' click on the advanced tab, and select category 'Remote Info' Check the box next to 'Use Sueure FTP (SFTP)' Click 'OK'
With Macromedia Contribute, in the connection wizard, select 'Secure FTP (SFTP)' and use site ftp.ncsu.edu and your unity ID and password.
Buku pkn kelas 12. Download Buku PPKn Guru dan Siswa Kelas 12 SMA/MA SMK/MAK Edisi Revisi 2018 Untuk lebih lengkapnya mengenai Buku PPKn Guru dan Siswa Kelas 12 SMA/MA SMK/MAK Edisi Revisi 2018 Kurikulum 2013 ini silahkan lihat preview salah satu buku dan unduh buku lainnya pada link di bawah ini. Buku Siswa PPKn Kelas 12 Revisi 2018 Kurikulum 2013 Berikut ini kutipan teks dari Isi Buku Pegangan Siswa PPKn SMA/MA Kelas 12 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2018: Buku Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (PPKn) ini merupakan buku pegangan dalam proses pembelajaran. Buku ini banyak sekali manfaatnya bagi siswa dan guru. Buku PKn Kelas 12 SMA Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2018 – Halo sobat websiteedukasi.com, Pada postingan ini kembali lagi saya akan berbagi Buku Guru dan Siswa PKn Kelas 12/ XII jenjang SMA Semester 1/ ganjil Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2018 yang bisa anda unduh secara gratis. Materi PKn Kelas 12 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi Terbaru 2018 - Sahabat buku paket yang setia, pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan berbagi materi pelajaran untuk kelas 12 SMA/SMK yaitu mata pelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan. Materi kali ini merupakan materi hasil revisi terbaru 2018 yang mana, buku paketnya baik cetak maupun elektronik telah beredar luas di internet dan pasaran.
To make use of SFTP, you will connect to the same ftp.ncsu.edu address you have always been connecting to.
The anonymous FTP service at ftp.ncsu.edu for uploads to the incoming directory and anonymous use such as the various mirrors we host will not be affected.
This change was announced in the following System Events Annoucement:http://sysnews.ncsu.edu/news/452ea13d
When an anonymous FTP is required, which is normally the case with non-unity accounts..
Files can be retrieved from either
If you have questions, please contact the NC State University Help Desk (515-HELP, help@ncsu.edu, help.ncsu.edu)
Everyone is encourage to use the new VPN service at http://vpn.ncsu.edu when connecting to campus resources from offsite.
If you have an iPhone or your operating system cannot load the SSL VPN please use the IPSEC VPN client linked below.http://comtech.ncsu.edu/networking/vpn_instructions.php
Users can also use the Start Before Logon module of the Cisco AnyConnect client to make a connection to the VPN before logging into Windows:
NC State's Virtual Computing Lab (VCL) is now open to all NC State students, faculty and staff: http://vcl.ncsu.edu. The VCL provides 24/7 on-line on-demand remote access to high-end software applications and computing power. Use of applications in Windows environments was previously restricted to the College of Engineering and specific courses in other colleges. Now MatLab, Maple, SAS, SolidWorks, Linux and Solaris Realm Kits are available to all who have an Internet connection and valid Unity ID.
Software to enable remote access is also required. Windows and Macintosh computers use the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). RDP comes with Windows XP (Start-> Programs -> Accessories -> Communications); for an OS X Mac, RDP can be downloaded from http://vcl.ncsu.edu/site/categories/help.
Course based access will continue to be available. Additional software can be made available for specific course usage. However, due to vendor licensing, Engineering faculty and staff are restricted from general access all possible applications (department specific applications for example).
Any faculty or staff in need of remote access to VCL applications will need to make a request to vcl_help@ncsu.edu.
VCL images maintained by ECE Staff:
With Mac OS X, there is very little that a user has to do in order to gain full access to the remote access servers. The user will need to download and install XFree86 for Mac OS X. Once this is done, start XFree86 and through a terminal window in XFree86, type
This allows you to run programs requiring XFree86 on your system.
For an official copy, please see the Commission Newsroom page or contact the Commission directly via the Chief Clerk\'s office at (919) 733-7328. There may be some delay between the issuance of an Order adopting or revising a rule and its posting here. The Order will be posted initially to the Rule Revisions page.
**To Bookmark this page, use: http://3270.its.state.nc.us **
** **HOD was upgraded to V14.0.1 on January 19, 2020.
** **Click this link to go to the IBM Java Download page.
TN3270 Cached TLS Display -- This HOD cached client stores HOD software to your workstation. The initial transfer is slow, but subsequent access is faster than the TN3270 TLS Display option.
TN3270 TLS Display -- This HOD download client will not store HOD software to your workstation except for session preferences. Not recommended for a slow internet connection, because it is completely downloaded every time it is used.
Host-Directed Print Session Options -- This option requires a TN3270E terminal session and a TN3270E printer session. The HOD printer session emulates an IBM 3287-1 printer which allows only text-mode printing. You can print from a host application to a printer connected to your workstation or a network printer. For more info, see FAQ.
TN3270E Cached Host-Directed Print -- This HOD cached client stores HOD software to your workstation. The initial transfer is slow, but subsequent access is faster than the HOD download client. Recommended for a slow internet connection.
HOD Web Start Client The HOD Java Web Start client allows users to start a HOD session without a browser window being open. An icon (JWSHODN) is created automatically on the Windows desktop for starting the HOD Web Start Client. Do not rename the JWSHODN icon, as the renamed icon will no longer work if the HOD software is updated. This client will perform all functions of the previously described HOD clients and caches the HOD software to your workstation. For more info, see FAQ .
Business Recovery Hotsite(BRS) The links below are used only for BRS testing.
BRS TN3270 Cached Display
BRS TN3270 Display
If you have ever tried to build anything, you know that it is next to impossible without using the right tools. When you are using a computer, it is no different--you need the right program for the file you are using. When you try to work on a file but do not use the specified program, functionality, and often times usability, is sacrificed.
But what happens you do not have the right program on your computer, but we here at NC State do? Well, simply put, you connect to our servers here Remote Access. When you remotely access a computer, you are inputting data into a computer other than the one you are physically sitting at. The other computer may be a friend\'s computer five feet away, or it may be an NC State server computer miles away.
BEING DECOMMISSONED AS OF May 1st, 2007 -- http://sysnews.ncsu.edu/news/45f97e6b
Computing Services supports a free dialup service to the NC State network, but because the demand for this service has increased beyond the capacities of the university\'s resources, phone lines are often busy and callers may have to wait a long time to gain phone access to the system. To use the NC State Dialup Service, first make sure your computer has a modem, then create a dialup connection to 515-6320. When your computer connects with the campus dialup servers, you will be prompted to login to the system with your Unity/Eos userid and password.
Go with all the defaults -- should work.
The process by which you connect to the school\'s server is different depending upon your operating system. The basic steps are listed below, but a more complete guide can be obtained via the Remote Access web page. The following is a list of servers that ECE and CPE majors have access to in order to run crucial applications from home computers.
grendel.ece.ncsu.edu is a farm of multiple Red Hat Linux servers. (sample load below)
Alternatively, you can connect via SSH to remote.eos.ncsu.edu.
Connecting from a Solaris or Linux box is not a very complicated procedure. You should first ensure that you have SSH installed on your computer by typing ssh into a terminal. If you get an error telling you file or command not found, refer to your user documentation on how to install SSH. To connect to the remote access servers here run the SSH command in your terminal. For instance, to connect to grendel.ece.ncsu.edu, in your terminal window simply type:
If you are having problems running programs which require an XFree86 server, try connecting using the \'-X\' flag along with the SSH command.
Due to major design differences in operating systems, Windows users do not have native support for the technologies used to remotely access these servers. Programs like WinSCP, PuTTY, F-Secure, WolfCall, OpenAFS, and X-Win32 are required for usage of the servers. These programs can be found at the Remote Access for Windows web page. Follow the instructions for each package. Please be sure that your machine is fully patched and has current AntiVirus software installed before connecting to NC State servers.
ITD has recently updated the ftp servers on campus to be more secure, to prevent passwords from being stolen. In doing this, we moved from the old ftp protocol to the much more secure sftp protocol. Making the shift is fairly easy for most users as all you need to do is set your current software to use sftp (if it is able to do so) or change your preferred software to one that can do sftp. I\'ve included some information below that mentions a few sftp clients that can easily do this for you. And of coruse, if you have any collegues who are seeing the same trouble feel free to let them know about the changes as well. As announced on sysnews at: http://sysnews.ncsu.edu/news/458c0b0f
This is a reminder that unencrypted authenticated FTP services will be discontinued effective 04Jan2007 at 3:00 pm. This service change will affect clients who login to ftp.ncsu.edu with their Unity username/password, using an unencrypted FTP client.
After this change, if you wish to make use of authenticated FTP services, you will need to connect via SFTP (secure FTP). There are SFTP clients available for all major operating systems at this point, and most applications like Dreamweaver support SFTP as well. Commonly used SFTP clients include WinSCP (for Windows) and Fugu for Mac. You can obtain a copy of either from the links below.
Dreamweaver 8 users simply need to select \'Use Secure FTP\' as follows..Within \'Manage Sites..\' click on the advanced tab, and select category \'Remote Info\' Check the box next to \'Use Sueure FTP (SFTP)\' Click \'OK\'
With Macromedia Contribute, in the connection wizard, select \'Secure FTP (SFTP)\' and use site ftp.ncsu.edu and your unity ID and password.
Buku pkn kelas 12. Download Buku PPKn Guru dan Siswa Kelas 12 SMA/MA SMK/MAK Edisi Revisi 2018 Untuk lebih lengkapnya mengenai Buku PPKn Guru dan Siswa Kelas 12 SMA/MA SMK/MAK Edisi Revisi 2018 Kurikulum 2013 ini silahkan lihat preview salah satu buku dan unduh buku lainnya pada link di bawah ini. Buku Siswa PPKn Kelas 12 Revisi 2018 Kurikulum 2013 Berikut ini kutipan teks dari Isi Buku Pegangan Siswa PPKn SMA/MA Kelas 12 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2018: Buku Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (PPKn) ini merupakan buku pegangan dalam proses pembelajaran. Buku ini banyak sekali manfaatnya bagi siswa dan guru. Buku PKn Kelas 12 SMA Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2018 – Halo sobat websiteedukasi.com, Pada postingan ini kembali lagi saya akan berbagi Buku Guru dan Siswa PKn Kelas 12/ XII jenjang SMA Semester 1/ ganjil Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2018 yang bisa anda unduh secara gratis. Materi PKn Kelas 12 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi Terbaru 2018 - Sahabat buku paket yang setia, pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan berbagi materi pelajaran untuk kelas 12 SMA/SMK yaitu mata pelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan. Materi kali ini merupakan materi hasil revisi terbaru 2018 yang mana, buku paketnya baik cetak maupun elektronik telah beredar luas di internet dan pasaran.
To make use of SFTP, you will connect to the same ftp.ncsu.edu address you have always been connecting to.
The anonymous FTP service at ftp.ncsu.edu for uploads to the incoming directory and anonymous use such as the various mirrors we host will not be affected.
This change was announced in the following System Events Annoucement:http://sysnews.ncsu.edu/news/452ea13d
When an anonymous FTP is required, which is normally the case with non-unity accounts..
Files can be retrieved from either
If you have questions, please contact the NC State University Help Desk (515-HELP, help@ncsu.edu, help.ncsu.edu)
Everyone is encourage to use the new VPN service at http://vpn.ncsu.edu when connecting to campus resources from offsite.
If you have an iPhone or your operating system cannot load the SSL VPN please use the IPSEC VPN client linked below.http://comtech.ncsu.edu/networking/vpn_instructions.php
Users can also use the Start Before Logon module of the Cisco AnyConnect client to make a connection to the VPN before logging into Windows:
NC State\'s Virtual Computing Lab (VCL) is now open to all NC State students, faculty and staff: http://vcl.ncsu.edu. The VCL provides 24/7 on-line on-demand remote access to high-end software applications and computing power. Use of applications in Windows environments was previously restricted to the College of Engineering and specific courses in other colleges. Now MatLab, Maple, SAS, SolidWorks, Linux and Solaris Realm Kits are available to all who have an Internet connection and valid Unity ID.
Software to enable remote access is also required. Windows and Macintosh computers use the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). RDP comes with Windows XP (Start-> Programs -> Accessories -> Communications); for an OS X Mac, RDP can be downloaded from http://vcl.ncsu.edu/site/categories/help.
Course based access will continue to be available. Additional software can be made available for specific course usage. However, due to vendor licensing, Engineering faculty and staff are restricted from general access all possible applications (department specific applications for example).
Any faculty or staff in need of remote access to VCL applications will need to make a request to vcl_help@ncsu.edu.
VCL images maintained by ECE Staff:
With Mac OS X, there is very little that a user has to do in order to gain full access to the remote access servers. The user will need to download and install XFree86 for Mac OS X. Once this is done, start XFree86 and through a terminal window in XFree86, type
This allows you to run programs requiring XFree86 on your system.
For an official copy, please see the Commission Newsroom page or contact the Commission directly via the Chief Clerk\'s office at (919) 733-7328. There may be some delay between the issuance of an Order adopting or revising a rule and its posting here. The Order will be posted initially to the Rule Revisions page.
**To Bookmark this page, use: http://3270.its.state.nc.us **
** **HOD was upgraded to V14.0.1 on January 19, 2020.
** **Click this link to go to the IBM Java Download page.
TN3270 Cached TLS Display -- This HOD cached client stores HOD software to your workstation. The initial transfer is slow, but subsequent access is faster than the TN3270 TLS Display option.
TN3270 TLS Display -- This HOD download client will not store HOD software to your workstation except for session preferences. Not recommended for a slow internet connection, because it is completely downloaded every time it is used.
Host-Directed Print Session Options -- This option requires a TN3270E terminal session and a TN3270E printer session. The HOD printer session emulates an IBM 3287-1 printer which allows only text-mode printing. You can print from a host application to a printer connected to your workstation or a network printer. For more info, see FAQ.
TN3270E Cached Host-Directed Print -- This HOD cached client stores HOD software to your workstation. The initial transfer is slow, but subsequent access is faster than the HOD download client. Recommended for a slow internet connection.
HOD Web Start Client The HOD Java Web Start client allows users to start a HOD session without a browser window being open. An icon (JWSHODN) is created automatically on the Windows desktop for starting the HOD Web Start Client. Do not rename the JWSHODN icon, as the renamed icon will no longer work if the HOD software is updated. This client will perform all functions of the previously described HOD clients and caches the HOD software to your workstation. For more info, see FAQ .
Business Recovery Hotsite(BRS) The links below are used only for BRS testing.
BRS TN3270 Cached Display
BRS TN3270 Display
If you have ever tried to build anything, you know that it is next to impossible without using the right tools. When you are using a computer, it is no different--you need the right program for the file you are using. When you try to work on a file but do not use the specified program, functionality, and often times usability, is sacrificed.
But what happens you do not have the right program on your computer, but we here at NC State do? Well, simply put, you connect to our servers here Remote Access. When you remotely access a computer, you are inputting data into a computer other than the one you are physically sitting at. The other computer may be a friend\'s computer five feet away, or it may be an NC State server computer miles away.
BEING DECOMMISSONED AS OF May 1st, 2007 -- http://sysnews.ncsu.edu/news/45f97e6b
Computing Services supports a free dialup service to the NC State network, but because the demand for this service has increased beyond the capacities of the university\'s resources, phone lines are often busy and callers may have to wait a long time to gain phone access to the system. To use the NC State Dialup Service, first make sure your computer has a modem, then create a dialup connection to 515-6320. When your computer connects with the campus dialup servers, you will be prompted to login to the system with your Unity/Eos userid and password.
Go with all the defaults -- should work.
The process by which you connect to the school\'s server is different depending upon your operating system. The basic steps are listed below, but a more complete guide can be obtained via the Remote Access web page. The following is a list of servers that ECE and CPE majors have access to in order to run crucial applications from home computers.
grendel.ece.ncsu.edu is a farm of multiple Red Hat Linux servers. (sample load below)
Alternatively, you can connect via SSH to remote.eos.ncsu.edu.
Connecting from a Solaris or Linux box is not a very complicated procedure. You should first ensure that you have SSH installed on your computer by typing ssh into a terminal. If you get an error telling you file or command not found, refer to your user documentation on how to install SSH. To connect to the remote access servers here run the SSH command in your terminal. For instance, to connect to grendel.ece.ncsu.edu, in your terminal window simply type:
If you are having problems running programs which require an XFree86 server, try connecting using the \'-X\' flag along with the SSH command.
Due to major design differences in operating systems, Windows users do not have native support for the technologies used to remotely access these servers. Programs like WinSCP, PuTTY, F-Secure, WolfCall, OpenAFS, and X-Win32 are required for usage of the servers. These programs can be found at the Remote Access for Windows web page. Follow the instructions for each package. Please be sure that your machine is fully patched and has current AntiVirus software installed before connecting to NC State servers.
ITD has recently updated the ftp servers on campus to be more secure, to prevent passwords from being stolen. In doing this, we moved from the old ftp protocol to the much more secure sftp protocol. Making the shift is fairly easy for most users as all you need to do is set your current software to use sftp (if it is able to do so) or change your preferred software to one that can do sftp. I\'ve included some information below that mentions a few sftp clients that can easily do this for you. And of coruse, if you have any collegues who are seeing the same trouble feel free to let them know about the changes as well. As announced on sysnews at: http://sysnews.ncsu.edu/news/458c0b0f
This is a reminder that unencrypted authenticated FTP services will be discontinued effective 04Jan2007 at 3:00 pm. This service change will affect clients who login to ftp.ncsu.edu with their Unity username/password, using an unencrypted FTP client.
After this change, if you wish to make use of authenticated FTP services, you will need to connect via SFTP (secure FTP). There are SFTP clients available for all major operating systems at this point, and most applications like Dreamweaver support SFTP as well. Commonly used SFTP clients include WinSCP (for Windows) and Fugu for Mac. You can obtain a copy of either from the links below.
Dreamweaver 8 users simply need to select \'Use Secure FTP\' as follows..Within \'Manage Sites..\' click on the advanced tab, and select category \'Remote Info\' Check the box next to \'Use Sueure FTP (SFTP)\' Click \'OK\'
With Macromedia Contribute, in the connection wizard, select \'Secure FTP (SFTP)\' and use site ftp.ncsu.edu and your unity ID and password.
Buku pkn kelas 12. Download Buku PPKn Guru dan Siswa Kelas 12 SMA/MA SMK/MAK Edisi Revisi 2018 Untuk lebih lengkapnya mengenai Buku PPKn Guru dan Siswa Kelas 12 SMA/MA SMK/MAK Edisi Revisi 2018 Kurikulum 2013 ini silahkan lihat preview salah satu buku dan unduh buku lainnya pada link di bawah ini. Buku Siswa PPKn Kelas 12 Revisi 2018 Kurikulum 2013 Berikut ini kutipan teks dari Isi Buku Pegangan Siswa PPKn SMA/MA Kelas 12 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2018: Buku Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (PPKn) ini merupakan buku pegangan dalam proses pembelajaran. Buku ini banyak sekali manfaatnya bagi siswa dan guru. Buku PKn Kelas 12 SMA Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2018 – Halo sobat websiteedukasi.com, Pada postingan ini kembali lagi saya akan berbagi Buku Guru dan Siswa PKn Kelas 12/ XII jenjang SMA Semester 1/ ganjil Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2018 yang bisa anda unduh secara gratis. Materi PKn Kelas 12 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi Terbaru 2018 - Sahabat buku paket yang setia, pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan berbagi materi pelajaran untuk kelas 12 SMA/SMK yaitu mata pelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan. Materi kali ini merupakan materi hasil revisi terbaru 2018 yang mana, buku paketnya baik cetak maupun elektronik telah beredar luas di internet dan pasaran.
To make use of SFTP, you will connect to the same ftp.ncsu.edu address you have always been connecting to.
The anonymous FTP service at ftp.ncsu.edu for uploads to the incoming directory and anonymous use such as the various mirrors we host will not be affected.
This change was announced in the following System Events Annoucement:http://sysnews.ncsu.edu/news/452ea13d
When an anonymous FTP is required, which is normally the case with non-unity accounts..
Files can be retrieved from either
If you have questions, please contact the NC State University Help Desk (515-HELP, help@ncsu.edu, help.ncsu.edu)
Everyone is encourage to use the new VPN service at http://vpn.ncsu.edu when connecting to campus resources from offsite.
If you have an iPhone or your operating system cannot load the SSL VPN please use the IPSEC VPN client linked below.http://comtech.ncsu.edu/networking/vpn_instructions.php
Users can also use the Start Before Logon module of the Cisco AnyConnect client to make a connection to the VPN before logging into Windows:
NC State\'s Virtual Computing Lab (VCL) is now open to all NC State students, faculty and staff: http://vcl.ncsu.edu. The VCL provides 24/7 on-line on-demand remote access to high-end software applications and computing power. Use of applications in Windows environments was previously restricted to the College of Engineering and specific courses in other colleges. Now MatLab, Maple, SAS, SolidWorks, Linux and Solaris Realm Kits are available to all who have an Internet connection and valid Unity ID.
Software to enable remote access is also required. Windows and Macintosh computers use the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). RDP comes with Windows XP (Start-> Programs -> Accessories -> Communications); for an OS X Mac, RDP can be downloaded from http://vcl.ncsu.edu/site/categories/help.
Course based access will continue to be available. Additional software can be made available for specific course usage. However, due to vendor licensing, Engineering faculty and staff are restricted from general access all possible applications (department specific applications for example).
Any faculty or staff in need of remote access to VCL applications will need to make a request to vcl_help@ncsu.edu.
VCL images maintained by ECE Staff:
With Mac OS X, there is very little that a user has to do in order to gain full access to the remote access servers. The user will need to download and install XFree86 for Mac OS X. Once this is done, start XFree86 and through a terminal window in XFree86, type
This allows you to run programs requiring XFree86 on your system.