
All of the individual softwares (e.g. Quartus II software, ModelSim ® -Altera software) should be installed to a common parent directory. For example, both Quartus II software and ModelSim-AE software directories should reside in C: altera 13.0.

Intel Software v13.0 Installation Frequently Asked Questions

This page contains common questions and answers about Intel FPGA software installation for the Altera Complete Design Suite (ACDS) version 13.0.

You can refer to About Installing Intel FPGA Software in Quartus® II Help for instructions on how to download and install ACDS v13.0. You can also refer to Intel FPGA Software Installation and Licensing Manual (PDF) for more information about installing and licensing Intel FPGA software.

How can I download and install ACDS v13.0?

You can download and install ACDS v13.0 from the Intel FPGA Design Software Download Center (https://fpgasoftware.intel.com) with the following options:

  • Combined files
  • Individual files
  • DVD .iso files

You can refer to the About Installing Intel FPGA Software in Quartus II Help for instructions on how to download and install ACDS (v13.0) using the options described above. You can also refer to Intel FPGA Software Installation and Licensing Manual (PDF) for more information on installing and licensing Intel FPGA software.

How do I uninstall ACDS v13.0?

To uninstall ACDS v13.0, please refer to the “Uninstalling Intel FPGA Software” section in the Intel FPGA Software Installation and Licensing Manual (PDF).

Can I use spaces, special characters, or non-English characters in path names?

No. You must use only alphanumeric characters and do not use special characters, or non-English characters, such as ' / : * ? ' < > ',in the Installer Source Directory box. However, spaces are permitted. This specification also applies to the Destination Directory that you specify in the Intel FPGA Installer.

Can I run an anti-virus software when I download and install ACDS v13.0?

Some anti-virus scanner can prevent the Intel FPGA Installer from downloading and installing Intel FPGA software files to your machine. Thus, Intel® FPGA recommends that you disable any anti-virus or malware scanner before the download and installation start.

Refer to KDB rd07222010_954 for more information.

Can I manually resume the Intel FPGA Installer download after an interruption?

Yes. The Intel FPGA Installer resumes download in the following two ways:

  • If your download was interrupted because of the loss of Internet connection or intermittent connection to the download server, Intel FPGA Installer will attempt to auto resume of download in the background for five times. If the download does not start after five attempts, Intel FPGA Installer will prompt you to retry or quit. At this point you can either quit and then restart the Intel FPGA Installer when the connection is restored, or wait for the connection to be restored and then click Retry. The download will resume itself.
  • If you cancel the download before it finishes, you can restart the Intel FPGA Installer (with the same target download directory) to resume the download.

Can I install ACDS v13.0 via command line?

Yes. You can install Intel FPGA software for Windows or Linux at the command line with a custom installation script using command-line arguments. For more information about installing Intel FPGA software via command line, please refer to Installing Software at the Command Prompt for more information. Please ensure you have sufficient disk space at your targeted installation drive before you start your installation.

Can I install specific device families at the command line?

No. Currently you can only install device families through the Quartus II software graphical user interface (GUI). Please refer to the Quartus II software download and installation quick start guide on how to add additional device families to an existing installation of Quartus II.

I tried to download the individual software files but the file is too big. The time taken to download these files is too long and the downloads always failed halfway. Is there any way to work around this?

In the Intel FPGA software download page, click on “Individual Files” tab and select “Akamai DLM3 Download Manager” to download. The download manager has download resume capability in case the download fails halfway through the download.

Why do I still get the “error connecting to the Internet” error message even though I have a working Internet connection and configured my proxy setting correctly?

You might be connecting to a NTLM proxy type. Please check with your IT administrator. If you are behind an NTLM proxy, please refer to Downloading and Installing Software at the Command Prompt for instructions on how to download and install Intel FPGA software behind an NTLM proxy. Note that only the command-line installation method supports NTLM proxy.

Altera Quartus Ii 13 0 Crackle

What is MD5 sum value and what is it for?

MD5 sum is a string of letters and numbers that acts like a fingerprint for a file. If two files have the same MD5 sum value, then the files are exactly alike. You can use the MD5 sum values provided for each Intel FPGA software download to verify your downloaded file if it is the same as the file in our servers. To do that, you can use any MD5 sum checker tool that is available on the internet (e.g. winMd5Sum) to verify your downloaded Intel FPGA software with the provided MD5 sum value.

Where can I find the older releases of Quartus II software installation files?

Jokes Now this is what you call an assembled pc.

You can find and download the older releases of Quartus II software installation files from the download center webpage.

Can I add other Intel FPGA software tools after installing Intel FPGA software?

Yes. Please refer to the “Modifying Intel FPGA Software” section in the Intel FPGA Software Installation and Licensing Manual (PDF) for more information.

Should a Quartus II software service pack installation be performed over an existing Quartus II software installation or can it be installed as a new full installation? (e.g Do I need to install Quartus II software v13.0 SP1 over the pre-installed Quartus II software v13.0)

You can now directly install the service pack as a full installation and no previous installation of the Quartus II software is required. Refer to Quartus II subscription service pack for more information.

For individual software files installation, which directory should I Install my softwares to when multiple software are installed?

All of the individual softwares (e.g. Quartus II software, ModelSim®-Intel FPGA software) should be installed to a common parent directory. For example, both Quartus II software and ModelSim-AE software directories should reside in C:altera13.0.

How to add additional device families to an existing install of Quartus II?

Please refer to the Quartus II software download and installation quick start guide on how to add additional device families to an existing installation of Quartus II.

Why does the individual software file download fail with the Internet Explorer 6 or the Internet Explorer 7 browser?

You might encounter problems when downloading individual software files of sizes above 1.8 GB from Intel FPGA Design Software Download Center when you are not using the Akamai download manager. This is due to a known issue with the Internet Explorer 6 or Internet Explorer 7, and large file downloads. Some of the problems that you might encounter include cyclic redundancy check (CRC) errors, corrupted download files, or incomplete download files.

Can I specify a UNC path as the target install directory?

No. The Intel FPGA Installer does not support UNC paths. Alternatively, you can map the UNC path to a drive letter and specify it as the destination directory instead.

Why are there extra files left in my C drive after the ACDS installation?

The files left in your C drive are Microsoft VC8 redistributable files from ModelSim-Intel FPGA software installation. The package is required for ModelSim-Intel FPGA software installation. However, these files are safe to delete after the installation. Please refer to KDB 10312010_553 for more information about these files.

Why does the Quartus II software installation sometimes fail on 64 bit Windows XP operating systems?


Because of a bug on some 64 bit Windows XP operating systems, Intel FPGA software installations might fail. For more information about this problem, please refer to KDB rd02222011_412.

I have installed ACDS into C:Program FilesAltera. I use Nios II EDS. Upon launching the program from start menu entry 'Nios II 13.0 Software Build Tools for Eclipse', why does the list under File > New > 'Nios II Application and BSP from Template' appears to be empty?

You might have installed ACDS into a path with spaces, in this case, it's C:Program Files. Please install ACDS into a path without spaces. For example, C:Altera.

Do I need system administrator privilege to install ACDS 13.0?

Yes. Administrator privilege is needed during the installation process.

How to extract the installation files from the TAR archive format in Windows?

Please refer to the Quartus II software download and installation quick start guide on how to extract the installation files from the TAR archives.

How can I specify the destination directory if I cannot browse to a specific directory?

This is a known issue for some operating systems. If this happens, you can manually type the destination directory path into the Destination Directory box.

Why do I get the following message when I start my Quartus II software?
“quartus_map: error while loading shared libraries: <path to quartus/bin>/libcd_err.so: cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied”

This is a known issue for Quartus II software running on a Linux OS with SELinux (Secure Enhanced Linux) firewall installed. Please refer to KDB spr329499 for the workaround.

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